Friday 14 February 2020

Why a Party Bus is Best Way to Travel from Miami to Key West:

There are countless ways (well not countless but a lot of other ways) to plan a trip along the coastal highway from Miami to Key West. You can get a rent-a-car, a jeep, take a regular (cheap and boring) shuttle bus service or hire a private taxi service with a chauffeur. So you can understand my frustration when my friend insisted on getting a party bus from Miami to key west. I have this irrational fear of buses and haven’t boarded a bus in my life (not even the school bus). I was strictly against this bonkers idea, but she tricked me by asking to cast a vote. All of our other friends (traitors) voted in favor of the party bus. It was 1 vs 5 and I had to get on board with this death trap (this is what I thought of it at that time).

“I will survive” was playing in my head when we boarded the bus at nine in the morning. The only difference was Gloria Gaynor was just at first afraid and petrified while I was still scared of imminent death. The quality of the bus was not bad, (full disclosure, I was almost impressed). It had huge, comfortable leather seats that could easily pass for a couch. It had Poles, neon-lit floors and HQ music system, a combo I thoroughly enjoy (when in a club) except it was on a vehicle that was moving. It was a luxury bus filled with lunatics (who couldn’t handle their liquor). The bus came with a private chauffeur, a chaperone and a service guy (to serve food, drinks, and snacks). There was a separate compartment for staff that had a partition similar to limos only it was bigger. It also came with a fully functional bathroom (with a shower).


The bus came with a Chaperone who kept an eye on the amount of alcohol being consumed. He made sure everyone was still acting like humans despite being totally wasted, like a beacon of hope. Being the only one who does not drink and then have to watch all these people going bananas was probably one of the most gratifying and disturbing (at the same time) experiences of my life.

Professional Chauffeur:

The chauffeur was very careful and professional. His cautious driving helped me to stay calm as 2 hours in the journey and we were still fine. My fear was almost gone and as the fog of paranoia cleared up, I realized how unreasonable I had been. These people were my friends, they were doing all this for me and I was so ungrateful towards them.

Complete Plan:

When you get a party bus from Miami to Key West, it’s a four-hour drive along the scenic coastal highway. The plan was to travel and see all the destinations on the way over a course of two days by making stops at different spots.
  • Robbie’s Restaurant to feed wild Tarpons
  • 7-mile Bridge
  • Ernest Hemingway’s house
  • Duval Street
Quality of service on the party bus was so good I was able to survive the trip and after our first stop I was actually having fun. I started out by being cynical about the whole plan but it became one of the most memorable trips of my life. It was a round trip and the party bus service we hired (Elite Ultra Bus) is undoubtedly one of the finest in Miami. From vehicle to staff to the quality of food and beverages, everything was great.